Book recommendation - The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare


What is your first name? S. Venkat
What class are you in? D1
What is the title of the book? The Merchant of Venice
Who is the author? William Shakespeare
What is this book about? This book is about the theme romantic comedy. The main character Antonio a very humble person. Shylock a moneylender who lends money to Antonio and how he is not able repay the money.
Has this book influenced you in anyway? Yeah, how and why we should meet deadlines.
Who would you recommend this book to? To all MYPs.
Why should they read this book? The language of Shakespeare has been forgotten in this modern age.
How did you learn about this book? I had to analyze this book for my essay in my 10th grade.
Any other comments or interesting facts about the book? I feel this is the best book of Shakespeare. 

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