What is your first name? Bhumika
What class are you in? D2
What is the title of the book? Wonder
Who is the author? R.J. Palacio
What is this book about? This book is about a young boy who has a condition in which he was born with facial defects, and although he has gone through many surgeries, his face is still very unlike that of a normal person. He used to be home-schooled by his mum but she cannot continue to home-school him and so he has to start going to normal school.
Has this book influenced you in anyway? This book has influenced me to always think twice before saying anything because words can have a big impact on other people and it has also taught me to be more open-minded towards other people because you can never know what they're really going through. I also think this book really made me appreciate what I have and let me see that not everyone in the world is as privileged as we are.
Who would you recommend this book to? I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone! Although the cover and blurb may look and sound childish, the book is very fit for any age group and I really enjoyed reading it!
Why should they read this book? It was a very relatable book, in the sense that everyone at some point finds it hard to fit in in school and I thought it was very well written.
How did you learn about this book? I was looking through the library one day and picked up a few random books and decided to read this one because I thought it was something different than what I usually read.
Any other comments or interesting facts about the book? The book is not only narrated by the young boy himself, but also by people around him, like his friends and his sister, and this really lets you have a full view of what was going on rather than getting one sided views from the young boy himself. However, be warned, this book is a rollercoaster of emotions and you will find yourself in tears, more than once!
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