Book recommendation - A fish in a tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt


What is your first name? Amanda
What class are you in? P8 Teacher
What is the title of the book? Fish in a Tree
Who is the author? Lynda Mullaly Hunt
What is this book about? A twelve year old girl is struggling to fit in at school. She has dyslexia but hasn't received a diagnosis yet. Some interesting friends, and a helpful teacher help her to find her place in the school. Don't just a fish by it's ability to climb a tree!
Has this book influenced you in anyway? It made me consider a different perspective to school life.
Who would you recommend this book to? Anyone who is finding their way in a school.
Why should they read this book? It's a great way to connect with other peoples perspectives of classroom dynamics. A reminder that a bit of compassion can go a long way in creating a respectful community at school and beyond.
How did you learn about this book? Recommended on a friend's blog.