What is your first name? Anna
What class are you in? D1
What is the title of the book? The Circle
Who is the author? Dave Eggers
What is this book about? When Mae Holland gets a job at the most influential internet company in the world - The Circle - she cannot believe her luck. It seems almost too perfect to be true; the modernity and activities it offers, going from concerts over parties and the beautiful California campus, seem out of this world. Everything is shared amongst the circle community; pictures, video clips and stories. There is no moment in which you are alone, you are constantly in touch with everyone around you. You can see everyone and everyone can see you. Soon Mae comes to discover the dark sides of the company - maybe the intentions of the organisation to remake the world in its image aren't that good after all...
Has this book influenced you in anyway? The Circle showed me where Social Networking and constant communication can lead us and drew my attention to the influence technology has and will have on our lives - both good and bad.
Who would you recommend this book to? Anyone who is into Social Media, technology and futuristic scenarios will love this book!
Why should they read this book? Social Networking and the time we spend on the internet affects everyone of us. Especially our generation, who have grown up with Smartphones, Tablets etc. and are used to limitless access to the internet. This book calls attention to what extend time spent online is healthy and points out genius ways it can be used to make our lives easier.
How did you learn about this book? I was given the book by a friend.
We have two other books by Dave Eggers available for borrowing in our library.