What class are you in? M1
What is the title of the book? Goal Butterfingers
Who is the author? Khyrunnisa A.
What is this book about? A kid named Amar nicknamed Butterfingers because of his inability to hold things without dropping them, comes up with the idea of a interschool tournament where classes will verse other classes. They ask the principal if they can but he says no because he lost a diamond ring. He also says that they can have the tournament if they find it. Please read this book, it is very interesting. Enjoy!
Has this book influenced you in anyway? Yes, to come up with fun ideas, like interschool tournaments or spelling bees.
Who would you recommend this book to? All people who like sports. This book that I am recommending is about Football, but Khyrunnisa has written other books about Cricket and a sport called "Cracket."
Why should they read this book? It is interesting, and it provides entertainment to people who like reading about mystery, sports, and a good book.
How did you learn about this book? The author came to the school and told us all about her interesting and fun books.
How did you learn about this book? The author came to the school and told us all about her interesting and fun books.