What is your first name? Moritz
What class are you in? D2
What is the title of the book? The Kite Runner
Who is the author? Khaled Hosseini
What is this book about? It is about the story of Amir and his friend Hassan, who spend their childhood in Afghanistan. Amir is the son of a wealthy businessman and Hassan is his servant but also best friend. Their friendship suffers from abuse of trust and Amir believing that his dad likes Hassan more than him. Their friendship takes a dramatic end after they win a tournament of kite running, as Hassan gets raped by a guy called Assef and Amir does not help him. Additionally, there is the Soviet Invasion, which forces Amir and his father to flee to the US. After several years, Amir finds out that Hassan was actually his half-brother. When Amir hears about Hassan’s death, he travels to Afghanistan to save Hassan’s orphaned son, as he feels responsible and wants to rectify the guilt that he still has. Due to the rise of the Taliban, Amir does not recognize his home country anymore.
Has this book influenced you in anyway? The book has changed my view about Afghanistan significantly. Due to what we hear about Afghanistan in the news, the country has negative connotations and we see it as a dangerous place. However, the book tells us about how peaceful Afghanistan was before all the invasions and that it was not always as negative as it is seen today.
Who would you recommend this book to? As there is some minor violence involved in the book, I think that starting from teenage years, everyone can read it.
Why should they read this book? On one hand, the book gives people a different view about Afghanistan and on the other hand, it shows how jealousy can damage a friendship.
How did you learn about this book? I heard from several people, that it is a very good and interesting book.
Any other comments or interesting facts about the book? The author partly reflects his childhood in the book.
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