Tweet a book review

Book reviews - Twitter style

Write a quality book review in 140 characters or less and then share it with me so I can tweet it.

  1. Choose a book that you have read to review. Yes you must have read the book!
  2. Write a short review for the book. Your review must include the title. Check the number of characters. Remember the total number of characters, including spaces must NOT go over 140 characters. (I wrote my review in a Word doc, then checked the number of characters with spaces in Review - Word Count.)
  3. Find an interesting link to include in your tweet e.g. a book trailer, information about the book. 
  4. Shorten the link e.g. use
  5. Add one of the following star ratings (just the stars, NOT the words):
**** - LOVED it! You must read it!
*** - It was good.
** - It was just OK.
* - Don't read it. 

6. Fill in this google form so I can tweet your book review and give you house points!

Here's my example: (Character count with spaces is 137)
Hunger Games - a story where children have to kill children to survive. One becomes the hope for a revolution. ****

Author Visit - Bruce Hale

Bruce Hale
Prince of Underwhere Cover  Author                                      

Book Week is February 8-12.
We'll be hosting Bruce Hale for two days! 

He'll be here on Tuesday 9 February & Wednesday 10 February.

For more information about Bruce and his books, please go to:

Emojis & Book titles

Do you like Emojis? 

Here's an Emoji of a book that MYP students have recently read. Do you know what it is? 

If you want some more examples of Emoji book titles, then take a look at the display of Emojis on the bulletin board outside the Secondary Library. The Emoji quizz is from BuzzFeed Books. 

You can earn house points by making up your own Emoji book title and then emailing it to me. Please email me the Emojis and the title and author of the book. I'll then display your entries for others to try to guess what it is.

Go on! Give it a go! You know you want to!