Khyrunnisa. A
Khyrunnisa A., is a prize-winning fiction author. She wrote
Howzzat Butterfingers! (2010) and
Goal, Butterfingers! (2012).
Khyrunnisa will be at Stonehill on 27 November to talk about
Clean Bowled, Butterfingers! (the third book in the Butterfingers series) with M1 & M2 classes.(M1 & M2 classes, please check your email for more information about the books and how you can learn house points.)
All three books are available for borrowing from the Library.
"Watch out! With Butterfingers around, nothing and no one is safe! Amar Kishen is called Butterfingers by his parents, friends and also teachers. Books, balls, bats, people, anything can go flying when Butter is on the loose. As school term begins, the cricket team, of which Butter is appointed the vice captain, has its task cut out—it has to win the Colonel Nadkarni Under 15 Inter-School Limited Overs Cricket Trophy. The team starts practising in earnest, but disasters follow in quick succession. The star all-rounder breaks his hand; the captain has his fifteenth birthday too soon; and, worst of all, the school is about to lose its playground! Now it is up to Amar to lead the team to victory and save the day. But can he? His white trousers are at the cleaners on the day of a crucial match; his wicketkeeper has the attention span of a butterfly; and arch rivals Blossoms School do the unthinkable—they include girls in their team! All this and more keep Amar and his team on their toes. Will they win the coveted trophy and save their school’s grounds—or will it slip from their grasps like a classic Butterfingers catch?"
"Butterfingers is back, and ready to strike! Amar Kishen or Butterfingers, as he is popularly called, has a penchant for dropping things—he can send books, bags, balls, even people flying just by touching them! Obsessed with football, Amar comes up with a brilliant plan—a school football tournament where each class will play as a different ‘country’. But like all Butterfingers plans, this too is doomed to run into obstacles. First there are more girls in school (meaning, more trouble!), then the new English teacher, Sourpuss, puts a stop to football practice; to top it all, when Amar and his friends participate in a protest rally, trying to prevent a pesticide factory from coming up, their Princi hands out match bans. With things hitting rock bottom, will Amar’s class finally lift the ‘World Cup’? And with Butterfingers as the goalie, does his team really have a chance? Full of action and adventure, Goal, Butterfingers!, the second book in the Butterfingers series, will make you lose yourself in the hilarious exploits of Amar and his friends as they hurtle through various hare-brained schemes."

"A new adventure with Butterfingers! What Amar, aka Butterfingers, really wants is to hold a cricket match to honour the memory of Colonel Nadkarni. Meanwhile, the principal wants the teachers of Green Park School to be more healthy and active. And so, Amar playfully writes a proposal for the teachers of the junior and senior schools to play a match against each other—which actually gets accepted. What follows is a roller-coaster ride of adventure, intrigue and madness! Entertaining, uplifting and hilarious, this third novel featuring the beloved character, Butterfingers, will delight readers both old and new."